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Poetry can be called the nutrition for the soul.  Through poetry, the writer can clarify thoughts and inspire readers.

Our Baby
Our baby.  Our baby!
Yours and mine.
Such a Miracle!

Your eyes, my nose,
Your lips, my chin,
Your hair, my ears,
A perfect blend of you and me.
Our baby.  Our baby!


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Love is More than Making Love

I want us not to make love, but to have love,
not to make love,
but to give love, 
not to make love, 

but to increase our, 

Joe, we both need love,

but do we have it

for one another?

Poetry of the Heart

Strategies to Write Poems

1.  Reaction Poems
2.  Acrostic Poems
3.  ABC Poems
4.  BOP Poems
5.  Tricube Poems
6.  Free Verse Poems
7.  Rhyming Poems
8.  Nine-Nine Poems

Soul Talk

Poems from Your Soul
1.   Point of View Poems
2.   I Wish Poems
3.   Friends Poems
4.   Poems as Therapy
5.   Emotion Poems
6.   Deep Thinking Poems
7.   Questioning Poems
8.   Belief Poems 

On-line Poetry Classes

How Do You Annoy Me, Let Me  Count the Ways

1.  You always want the lights on much too bright for my taste.
2.  You don't know much about farming.
3. Your messy crafts are all over the kitchen.
4.  If you leave the kitchen, you forget you are cooking.
5.  You substitute teach in too many schools.
6  You always want to print with clean computer paper.

                   On the other hand . . .
1.  You are cute and funny.
2.  You are usually cheerful.
3.  We have great children together.
4.  You make sure our children are well-rounded.
5.  You bravely take substitute teaching jobs in areas you don't know a l.        lot  about because we need the income.
6   You love my siblings.
                    So I think I'll keep you.

1.  You spend far too much time working working, working,
2.  You expect me to help you with outside chores that are hard for me
3.  You eat crackers and bread soaked in milk.
4.  You won't shave every day.
5.  You wear clothes with holes and rips on them.
6.  You are late for everything except for church.
                    On the other hand.
1.  You are great to snuggle with.
2.  You whistle while you work.
3.  You help me do laundry.
4.  You kiss very well.
5.  My nuclear family loves you.
6.  You treat me with respect.
                      So I think I'll keep you.

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